Survivor pool stats

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Survivor pool stats

Post by pigskin9798 »

I am looking for a way to display some survivor pool statistics on the main user login page.
Does anyone else do this or know what I need to do to make this happen?

More specifically to my displaying stats question, I would like to see the following on the user login page...

Player Status Counts
Active: 60
Pending: 0
Eliminated: 0
Remaining: 60

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Re: Survivor pool stats

Post by Stutgrtguy »

Very Nice! Thank you!
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Re: Survivor pool stats

Post by Stutgrtguy »

something still showing the same amount active as last week, but Eliminated is up to date. Anyone ?

- edit - nevermind workin good now musta been a time thing. would like to have that fancy table ya got coded in tho :?
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Re: Survivor pool stats

Post by nananaja003 »

but Eliminated is up to date. Anyone ?

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Re: Survivor pool stats

Post by fbonani »

I would like to do the same thing as the Survivor Status except show the leader of the Margin Pool...Username name - Highest Margin Score (Season). I have taken the file for Survivor Status and tried to add the code. I have been able to show the Margin score, but cannot get the username to be displayed. Any help would be much appreciated. Here is the code I have so far:

Code: Select all

<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>
<!-- #include file="includes/config.asp" --><!-- #include file="includes/common.asp" --><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<!-- #include file="includes/form.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/passwords.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/side.asp" -->
<%	'Open the database.
	call OpenDb() %>
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<%	PageSubTitle = "User Login"
	call BuildPageHeader("", "")

	'If this is not a postback, add client-side script to set form field focus.
	if Request.ServerVariables("Content_Length") = 0 then %>
	<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
	// If a username is stored in a cookie, preselect it on the form.
	domUtils.onready(function () {

		try {

			// Check for the username cookie.
			var username = domUtils.getCookie("<% = SESSION_USERNAME_KEY %>");
			if (username.length > 0) {

				// Look for a match in the drop down list.
				var selectEl = document.getElementById("username");
				if (selectEl != null) {
					var found = false;
					var i = 0;
					do {
						if (selectEl.options[i].value == username) {
							selectEl.options[i].selected = true;
							found = true;
					} while (i < selectEl.options.length && !found);

					// If found, set focus on the password field and exit.
					if (found) {

			// Otherwise, set focus on the drop down list.
		catch (ex) {}
<%	end if %>
<!-- #include file="includes/custom.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/header.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/menu.asp" -->
	<div id="contentSection">
	<table id="mainWrapper" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
<%	'If there is form data, process it.
	dim username, password
	dim sql, rs
	if Request.ServerVariables("Content_Length") > 0 then
		username = Trim(Request.Form("username"))
		password = Trim(Request.Form("password"))
		if username = "" then
	        FormFieldErrors.Add "username", "Please select your user name and enter your password."
	        FormFieldErrors.Add "password", ""
		elseif password = "" then
			FormFieldErrors.Add "password", "Please enter your password."
		end if

		'If the data is good, check the username and password.
		if FormFieldErrors.Count = 0 then
			sql = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = '" & SqlEscape(username) & "'"
			set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
			if rs.EOF and rs.BOF then
		        FormFieldErrors.Add "username", "Username '" & username & "' not found."
			elseif Hash(rs.Fields("Salt").Value & password) <> rs.Fields("Password").Value then
		        FormFieldErrors.Add "password", "Password is incorrect."
		   		'Save the username and team theme ID in the Session and
				'redirect to the home page.
				Session(SESSION_USERNAME_KEY) = rs.Fields("Username").Value
				Session(SESSION_THEME_KEY)    = rs.Fields("TeamThemeID").Value
			end if
		end if

		'Show error messages.
		call DisplayFormFieldErrorsMessage("Login failed, see below:")

	end if %>
	<form action="<% = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>" method="post">
		<table class="main fixed" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<tr class="header bottomEdge">
				<th align="left">User Login</th>
				<td class="freeForm">
					<p>To login, select your name from the list, enter your password and hit the <code>Login</code> button.
					If you do not already have an account, you can <a href="userSignUp.asp">sign up</a> for one (you can review the <a href="helpRules.asp">pool rules</a> before joining).</p>
					<p>If you forgot your password, you can <a href="requestPassword.asp">Reset it Here</a>.</p>				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						<tr valign="middle">
								<select id="username" name="username" class="<% = StyleFormField("", "username") %>">
									<% call DisplayUserSelectList(GetUserList(false), username) %>
						<tr valign="middle">
							<td><input type="password" id="password" name="password" value="" class="<% = StyleFormField("", "password") %>" /></td>
					<p><em>Passwords are case-sensitive.</em>
					If you have forgotten your password or cannot log in for whatever reason, contact the <a href="mailto:<% = ADMIN_EMAIL %>">Administrator</a> for help.</p><hr width=100%>
					<b><center>Survivor Statistics</b></center><table border="1" border color="red" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
						<tr valign="center" bgcolor="#000">
							<td><span style="color: limegreen"><b>Active: <% = GetActiveCount(GetCurrentWeek()) %></span>  &nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color: red">Eliminated: <% 
					Dim week,numWeeks,lastWeek,totalElim
					lastWeek = GetSurvivorFinalWeek()
					numWeeks = GetWeekCount()
					for week = SIDE_START_WEEK to numWeeks						
						if week <= lastWeek then 
							totalElim = totalElim + GetEliminatedCount(week) - GetBuybackCount(week)
						End If
</td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<td><span style="color: limegreen"><b>Margin Score: <% = GetMarginScore %></td></span>			 
		<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login" class="button" /></p>
<!-- #include file="includes/footer.asp" -->
<%	'**************************************************************************
	'* Local functions and subroutines.                                       *

	' Used to alternate row styles.
	function SetRowClass()

		SetRowClass = ""
		if alt then
			SetRowClass = "class=""alt"""
		end if
		alt = not alt

	end function

	' Returns the number of players that were active in the given week.
	function GetActiveCount(week)

		dim rs, sql

		GetActiveCount = 0

		sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM SurvivorStatus" _
		   & " WHERE Week = " & week _
		   & " AND WasAlive"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetActiveCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns the number of players that used a buyback in the given week.
	function GetBuybackCount(week)

		dim rs, sql

		GetBuybackCount = 0

		sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM SidePicks" _
		   & " WHERE Week = " & week _
		   & " AND SurvivorBuyback"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetBuybackCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns the number of players eliminated in the given week.
	function GetEliminatedCount(week)

		dim rs, sql

		GetEliminatedCount = 0

		sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM SurvivorStatus" _
		   & " WHERE Week = " & week _
		   & " AND WasAlive AND NOT IsAlive AND NOT IsPending"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetEliminatedCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns the number of players that are pending in the given week.
	function GetPendingCount(week)

		dim rs, sql

		GetPendingCount = 0

		sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM SurvivorStatus" _
		   & " WHERE Week = " & week _
		   & " AND IsPending"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetPendingCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function
	' Returns the highest score of margin players.
	function GetMarginScore()

		dim rs, sql

		GetMarginScore = 0

		sql = "SELECT Max(MarginScore) AS HighestScore FROM SidePicks" 
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetMarginScore = rs.Fields("HighestScore").Value
		end if

	end function

	'* Local class definitions.                                               *

	' TeamObj: Holds information for a single team.
	class TeamObj

		public id
		public name
		public pickCounts, results

		private sub Class_Initialize()

			name  = ""
			redim pickCounts(numWeeks)
			redim results(numWeeks)

		end sub

		private sub Class_Terminate()
		end sub

		public sub setData(teamID)

			dim sql, rs

			'Save the team ID.
			id = teamID

			'Get the result of this team's game for each week and find how
			'many times it was picked.
			dim i
			for i = 0 to numWeeks - 1
				pickCounts(i) = ""
				results(i)    = ""
				if i >= SIDE_START_WEEK - 1 then
					sql = "SELECT Result FROM Schedule" _
					   & " WHERE Week = " & (i + 1) _
					   & " AND (Schedule.VisitorID = '" & teamID & "' OR Schedule.HomeID = '" & teamID & "')"
					set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
					if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
						results(i) = rs.Fields("Result").Value
						sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM SidePicks, SurvivorStatus" _
						   & " WHERE SidePicks.Week = " & (i + 1) _
						   & " AND SurvivorStatus.Week = " & (i + 1) _
						   & " AND SidePicks.Pick = '" & teamID & "'" _
						   & " AND SidePicks.Username = SurvivorStatus.Username" _
						   & " AND SurvivorStatus.WasAlive"
						set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
						if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
							pickCounts(i) = rs.Fields("Total").Value
						end if
					end if
				end if

		end sub

	end class %>
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