Anyone have the code to change the "lock" times of games?

Post here to discuss topics relate to the 4.x version for the ASP Football Pool software program. All support topics should go here.
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Anyone have the code to change the "lock" times of games?

Post by admin »

I know this was posted on the message board that Mike had last year, it was the code to change the lock times for games from his defaults, to lock just before the start of each individual game.

I only started using this program last year, so while I still have my site/code from last year I really don't even recall where to start looking for it i nthere.

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Re: Anyone have the code to change the "lock" times of games

Post by kristoffae »

I believe it is in the "/includes/common.asp"

Can you post the "common.asp" you used last year?
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Re: Anyone have the code to change the "lock" times of games

Post by admin »

Code: Select all

<%	'**************************************************************************
	'* Common application code.                                               *
	'*                                                                        *
	'* Note: Should be included at the beginning of every page, right after   *
	'* the config.asp file.                                                   *

	'Set the session timeout value.
	Session.Timeout = SESSION_TIMEOUT

	'* Constant definitions.                                                  *

	'Characters allowed in usernames.
	const ALLOWED_USERNAME_CHARACTERS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_ '."

	'Username reserved for the Administrator.
	const ADMIN_USERNAME = "Admin"

	'Username max length.
	const USERNAME_MAX_LEN = 25

	'Minimum password length.

	'Value used to denote a tie game in the database.
	const TIE_STR = "Tie"

	'For checkboxes.
	const CHECKED_ATTRIBUTE = " checked=""checked"""

	'Placeholder for playoff team names.
	const TO_BE_DETERMINED_STR = "[<em>TBD</em>]"

	'* Global variables.                                                      *

	'Page sub title.
	dim PageSubTitle
	PageSubTitle = "Subtitle"

	'Database connection.
	dim DbConn

	'Conference and division names (should actually be constants).
	dim ConferenceNames, DivisionNames
	ConferenceNames = Array("AFC", "NFC")
	DivisionNames   = Array("East", "North", "South", "West")

	'Define the number of wild card playoff teams in each conference.
	const WILD_CARD_TEAMS = 2

	'Determine the number of conferences and the number of playoff teams in
	dim NumberConferences, NumberPlayoffsSeeds
	NumberConferences   = UBound(ConferenceNames) + 1
	NumberPlayoffsSeeds = UBound(DivisionNames)   + 1 + WILD_CARD_TEAMS

	'Title text for the survivor/margin side pool.
	dim SidePoolTitle
	SidePoolTitle = ""
		SidePoolTitle = "Survivor/Margin"
		SidePoolTitle = "Survivor"
		SidePoolTitle = "Margin"
	end if

	'Determine the number of playoffs pools enabled.
	dim PlayoffsPoolsCount
	PlayoffsPoolsCount = 0
		PlayoffsPoolsCount = PlayoffsPoolsCount + 1
	end if
		PlayoffsPoolsCount = PlayoffsPoolsCount + 1
	end if
		PlayoffsPoolsCount = PlayoffsPoolsCount + 1
	end if

	'Set playoffs pool titles.
	dim PlayoffsPoolsHeader
	dim PlayoffsPickPoolTitle, PlayoffsRankPoolTitle
	PlayoffsPoolsHeader = "Playoffs Pool"
	if PlayoffsPoolsCount > 1 then
		PlayoffsPoolsHeader = PlayoffsPoolsHeader & "s"
	elseif	PlayoffsPoolsCount = 1 and ENABLE_SUPER_BOWL_POOL then
		PlayoffsPoolsHeader = "Super Bowl Pool"
	end if
	PlayoffsPickPoolTitle = "Playoffs"
	PlayoffsRankPoolTitle = "Playoffs"
		PlayoffsRankPoolTitle = PlayoffsRankPoolTitle & " Rank'em"
	end if
		PlayoffsPickPoolTitle = PlayoffsPickPoolTitle & " Pick'em"
	end if
	dim PlayoffsPickPoolPrefix, PlayoffsRankPoolPrefix, SuperBowlPoolPrefix
	PlayoffsPickPoolPrefix = PlayoffsPickPoolTitle
	PlayoffsRankPoolPrefix = PlayoffsRankPoolTitle
	SuperBowlPoolPrefix = ""
		PlayoffsPickPoolPrefix = Trim(Replace(PlayoffsPickPoolPrefix, "Playoffs", ""))
		PlayoffsRankPoolPrefix = Trim(Replace(PlayoffsRankPoolPrefix, "Playoffs", ""))
	end if
	PlayoffsPickPoolPrefix = PlayoffsPickPoolPrefix & " "
	PlayoffsRankPoolPrefix = PlayoffsRankPoolPrefix & " "
	if PlayoffsPoolsCount > 1 then
		SuperBowlPoolPrefix = "Super Bowl "
	end if

	'Find the current script name.
	dim CurrentScriptName
	CurrentScriptName = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
	if InStrRev(CurrentScriptName, "/") > 0 then
		CurrentScriptName = Right(CurrentScriptName, Len(CurrentScriptName) - InStrRev(CurrentScriptName, "/"))
	end if

	'* Functions and subroutines.                                             *

	' Used to restrict access to pages.
	sub CheckAccess(adminOnly)

	'If the user has not logged in, or if the page is designated as Admin-only
	'and the user is not the Administrator, redirects to the login page.
	if Session(SESSION_USERNAME_KEY) = "" or (adminOnly and not IsAdmin()) then
	end if

	end sub

	' Checks a username for invalid characters and returns the first one found.
	' If no such characters are found, and empty string is returned.
	function CheckUsername(username)

		dim n, i, c

		CheckUsername = ""

		n = Len(username)
		for i = 1 to n
			c = Mid(username, i, 1)
				CheckUsername = c
				exit function
			end if

	end function

	' Returns the total of all credits for the specified user.
	function GetCreditTotal(username)

		dim sql, rs

		GetCreditTotal = 0
		sql = "SELECT SUM(Amount) AS Total" _
 		    & " FROM Credits" _
 		    & " WHERE Username = '" & SqlEscape(username) & "'"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetCreditTotal = rs.Fields("Total").Value
			if not IsNumeric(GetCreditTotal) then
				GetCreditTotal = 0
			end if
		end if

	end function

	' Returns a date object representing the current date and time adjusted to
	' the time zone used in the database.
	function GetCurrentDateTime()

		GetCurrentDateTime = DateAdd("h", -TIME_ZONE_DIFF, CDate(Date() & " " & Time()))

	end function

	' Returns the current week number based on the current (time zone adjusted)
	' date and time.
	function GetCurrentWeek()

		dim dateTime, sql, rs, found

		GetCurrentWeek = 0
		dateTime = GetCurrentDateTime()
		sql = "SELECT GameID, Week, Date FROM Schedule ORDER BY Date"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			found = false
			do while not rs.EOF and not found
				if DateDiff("d", DateValue(rs.Fields("Date").Value), dateTime) <= 0 then
					found = true
					GetCurrentWeek = rs.Fields("Week").Value
				end if
		end if

		if GetCurrentWeek = 0 then
			GetCurrentWeek = GetWeekCount()
		end if

	end function

	' Gets the week number specified in the HTTP request. If no valid number
	' was specified, the current week is returned instead.
	function GetRequestedWeek()

		dim week, sql

		'Default to the current week.
		GetRequestedWeek = GetCurrentWeek()

		'Check the week number specified in the HTTP request.
		week = Request("week")
		if not IsNumeric(week) then
			exit function
			week = Round(week)
			if week < 1 or week > GetWeekCount() then
				exit function
			end if
		end if
		GetRequestedWeek = week

	end function

	' Returns the number of games scheduled for the specified week.
	function GetGameCount(week)

		dim sql, rs

		GetGameCount = 0
		sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM Schedule WHERE Week = " & week
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetGameCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns the number of completed games (i.e., games with a result)
	' for the specified week.
	function GetCompletedGameCount(week)

		dim sql, rs

		GetCompletedGameCount = 0
		sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total" _
		   & " FROM Schedule WHERE Week = " & week _
		   & " AND NOT ISNULL(Result)"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetCompletedGameCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns a record set of games for the specified week.
	function GetGamesRecordset(week)

		dim sql

		'Retrieve the week's schedule from the database.
		sql = "SELECT Schedule.*," _
		   & " VTeams.City AS VCity, VTeams.Name AS VName, VTeams.DisplayName AS VDisplayName," _
		   & " HTeams.City AS HCity, HTeams.Name AS HName, HTeams.DisplayName AS HDisplayName" _
		   & " FROM Schedule, Teams AS VTEAMS, Teams AS HTEAMS" _
		   & " WHERE Schedule.VisitorID = VTeams.TeamID AND Schedule.HomeID = HTeams.TeamID" _
		   & " AND Week = " & week _
		   & " ORDER BY Date, Time, VTeams.City, VTeams.Name"
		set GetGamesRecordset = DbConn.Execute(sql)

	end function

	' Returns the total number of teams in the database.
	function GetTeamCount()

		dim sql, rs

		GetTeamCount = 0
		sql = "SELECT COUNT(TeamID) AS Total FROM Teams"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetTeamCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns the display name for the given team id.
	function GetTeamName(id)

		dim sql, rs

		sql = "SELECT City, DisplayName FROM Teams WHERE TeamID = '" & id & "'"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			if rs.Fields("DisplayName").Value <> "" then
				GetTeamName = rs.Fields("DisplayName").Value
				GetTeamName = rs.Fields("City").Value
			end if
		end if

	end function

	' Returns a record set of all teams.
	function GetTeamsRecordset()

		dim sql

		'Retrieve teams from the database.
		sql = "SELECT * FROM Teams ORDER BY City, Name"
		set GetTeamsRecordset = DbConn.Execute(sql)

	end function

	' Returns an array of all usernames in the database, optionally excluding
	' the administrator username.
	function GetUserList(excludeAdmin)

		dim list, sql, rs

		GetUserList = ""

		sql = "SELECT Username FROM Users"
		if excludeAdmin then
			sql = sql & " WHERE Username <> '" & SqlEscape(ADMIN_USERNAME) & "'"
		end if
		sql = sql & " ORDER BY Username"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		do while not rs.EOF
			if not IsArray(list) then
				redim list(0)
				redim preserve list(UBound(list) + 1)
			end if
			list(UBound(list)) = rs.Fields("Username").Value
		GetUserList = list

	end function

	' Returns the total number of weeks in the schedule.
	function GetWeekCount()

		dim sql, rs

		GetWeekCount = 0
		sql = "SELECT MAX(Week) AS Total FROM Schedule"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetWeekCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns true if the given date and time has passed, based on the
	' current date and time.
	function IsDateTimePast(gameDateTime)

		IsDateTimePast = false
		if gameDateTime < GetCurrentDateTime() then
			IsDateTimePast = true
		end if

	end function

	' Returns true if the given string occurs in the given array of strings.
	function InList(str, list)

		dim i

		InList = false
		if IsArray(list) then
			for i = 0 to UBound(list)
				if list(i) = str then
					InList = true
					exit function
				end if
		end if

	end function

	' Returns true if the current user is the Administrator.
	function IsAdmin()

		IsAdmin = false
			IsAdmin = true
		end if

	end function

	' Returns true if the current user is disabled.
	function IsDisabled()

		dim sql, rs

		IsDisabled = false
		sql = "SELECT DisableEntries FROM Users" _
		   & " WHERE Username = '" & SqlEscape(Session(SESSION_USERNAME_KEY)) & "'"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			IsDisabled = rs.Fields("DisableEntries").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns true if the given number represents a valid 32-bit integer.
	function IsValidInteger(n)

		dim d

		IsValidInteger = false

		if InStr(n, ",") > 0 then
			exit function
		end if
		if IsNumeric(n) then
			d = CDbl(n)
			if d <> Int(d) then
				exit function
			end if
			if d >= -32768 and d <= 32767 then
				IsValidInteger = true
			end if
		end if

	end function

	' Returns true if the given number is a valid point spread.
	function IsValidPointSpread(n)

		IsValidPointSpread = false

		if InStr(n, ",") > 0 then
			exit function
		end if
		if IsNumeric(n) then
			if 2 * n = Round(2 * n) then
				IsValidPointSpread = true
			end if
		end if

	end function

	' Returns true if all games for the specified week are locked.
	function IsWeekLocked(week)

		dim dateTime, rs, gameDateTime

		IsWeekLocked = false
		dateTime = GetCurrentDateTime()
		set rs = GetGamesRecordset(week)
		do while not rs.EOF
			gameDateTime = CDate(rs.Fields("Date").Value & " " & rs.Fields("Time").Value)
			if Weekday(gameDateTime) = vbTuesday and gameDateTime <= dateTime then
				IsWeekLocked = true
				exit function
			end if

	end function

	' Opens the database connection (global variable 'DbConn').
	sub OpenDb()

		dim isPhysicalPath
		dim dbDir

		set DbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

		'If the path to the database is not physical, map it.
		isPhysicalPath = false
		if Len(DATABASE_FILE_PATH) >= 3 then
			if Mid(DATABASE_FILE_PATH, 2, 2) = ":\" then
				isPhysicalPath = true
			end if
		end if
		if not isPhysicalPath then
			dbDir = Server.MapPath(DATABASE_FILE_PATH)
		end if

			DbConn.Open "DBQ="& dbDir & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"
			DbConn.Open "Data Source=" & dbDir & ";Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
		end if

	end sub

	' Set the results for the given game based on the game score and point
	' spread.
	sub SetGameResults(id)

		dim sql, rs, vid, hid, vscore, hscore, spread, result, atsResult

		sql = "SELECT * FROM Schedule WHERE GameID = " & id
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			vid    = rs.Fields("VisitorID").Value
			hid    = rs.Fields("HomeID").Value
			vscore = rs.Fields("VisitorScore").Value
			hscore = rs.Fields("HomeScore").Value
			spread = rs.Fields("PointSpread").Value

			result = "NULL"
			atsResult = "NULL"

			'If scores are available, determine the results.
			if IsNumeric(vscore) and IsNumeric(hscore) then

				'Find the winner.
				vscore = CInt(vscore)
				hscore = CInt(hscore)
				if vscore > hscore then
					result = vid
				elseif hscore > vscore then
					result = hid
					result = TIE_STR
				end if
				result = "'" & result & "'"

				'Find the winner vs. the spread
				if IsNumeric(spread) then
					spread = CDbl(spread)
					spread = 0
				end if
				if (vscore + spread) > hscore then
					atsResult = vid
				elseif hscore > (vscore + spread) then
					atsResult = hid
					atsResult = TIE_STR
				end if
				atsResult = "'" & atsResult & "'"
			end if

			'Update the results.
			sql = "UPDATE Schedule SET" _
			   & " Result       = " & result & ", " _
			   & " ATSResult    = " & atsResult _
			   & " WHERE GameID = " & id
			call DbConn.Execute(sql)
		end if

	end sub

	' Returns a string with single quotes escaped. Used for variable string
	' values in SQL statements.
	function SqlEscape(str)

		SqlEscape = Replace(str, "'", "''")

	end function

	'* Formatting functions.                                                  *

	' Returns a formatted dollar amount string based on the given number.
	function FormatAmount(n)

		FormatAmount = "&nbsp;"
		if IsNumeric(n) then
			FormatAmount = FormatCurrency(n, 2, true, false, true)
		end if

   end function

	' Returns a formated numeric string representing the average for given a
	' sum and count.
	function FormatAverage(sum, n, numPlaces)

		FormatAverage = "&nbsp;"
		if IsNumeric(sum) and IsNumeric(n) then
			if n = 0 then
				FormatAverage = FormatNumber(0, numPlaces, true)
				FormatAverage = FormatNumber(Round(sum / n, numPlaces), numPlaces, true)
			end if
		end if

	end function

	' Returns a formatted date string (month and day) given a Date object.
	function FormatDate(dt)

		FormatDate = Month(dt) & "/" & Day(dt)

	end function

	' Returns a formatted time string given a Date object.
	function FormatTime(dt)

		dim hh, mm, symbol

		hh = Hour(dt)
		mm = Minute(dt)
		if mm < 10 then
			mm = "0" & mm
		end if
		if hh >= 12 then
			symbol = "pm"
			symbol = "am"
		end if
		if hh >= 13 then
			hh = hh - 12
		end if

		FormatTime = hh & ":" & mm & " " & symbol

	end function

	' Returns a formatted date string (month, day and year) given a Date
	' object.
	function FormatFullDate(dt)

		FormatFullDate = Month(dt) & "/" & Day(dt) & "/" & Year(dt)

	end function

	' Returns a formatted time string (hour, minute, second and meridiem) given
	' a Date object.
	function FormatFullTime(dt)

		FormatFullTime = LCase(FormatDateTime(dt, vbLongTime))

	end function

	' Returns a formatted percent string based on the given number.
	function FormatPercentage(n)

		FormatPercentage = "&nbsp;"
		if IsNumeric(n) then
			FormatPercentage = FormatNumber(Round(n, 3), 3, true)
		end if

	end function

	' Returns a formatted point spread.
	function FormatPointSpread(spread)

		dim n

		FormatPointSpread = "n/l&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
		if IsNumeric(spread) then
			if spread = 0 then
				FormatPointSpread = "even&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			elseif spread = 0.5 then
				FormatPointSpread = "+&frac12;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			elseif spread = -0.5 then
				FormatPointSpread = "-&frac12;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
				n = Fix(spread)
				if n = 0 then
					FormatPointSpread = ""
					FormatPointSpread = n
				end if
				if Abs(spread) - Abs(n) = 0.5 then
					FormatPointSpread = FormatPointSpread & "&frac12;"
					FormatPointSpread = FormatPointSpread & "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
				end if
				if spread > 0 then
					FormatPointSpread = "+" & FormatPointSpread
				end if
			end if
		end if

	end function

	' Formats a win-loss-tie record for output. Ties are not displayed if they
	' are equal to zero.
	function FormatRecord(w, l, t)

		FormatRecord = w & "-" & l
		if t > 0 then
			FormatRecord = FormatRecord & "-" & t
		end if

	end function

	' Returns a formatted score, optionally adding padding to allow alignment
	' when half points occur.
	function FormatScore(score, addPadding)

		dim n

		FormatScore = "n/a"
		if IsNumeric(score) then
			n = Fix(score)
			if Abs(score) - Abs(n) = .5 then
				FormatScore = n & "&frac12;"
				FormatScore = n
				if addPadding then
					FormatScore = FormatScore & "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
				end if
			end if
			if addPadding then
				FormatScore = FormatScore & "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			end if
		end if

	end function

	' Formats a string to indicate a survivor buyback.
	function FormatBuyback(str)

		FormatBuyback = "[" & str & "]"

	end function

	' Formats a string to indicate a correct pick.
	function FormatCorrectPick(str)

			FormatCorrectPick = FormatATSWinner(str)
			FormatCorrectPick = FormatWinner(str)
		end if

	end function

	' Formats a string to indicate an incorrect pick.
	function FormatIncorrectPick(str)

		FormatIncorrectPick = "<span style=""text-decoration: line-through; color:red"">" & str & "</span>"

	end function

	' Formats a string to indicate a tie game.
	function FormatTie(str)

		FormatTie = str & "<span style=""font-family: monospace;"">*</span>"

	end function

	' Formats a string to indicate the game winner.
	function FormatWinner(str)

			FormatWinner = "<em>" & str & "</em>"
			FormatWinner = "<span style=""color:limegreen; Font-weight:bold;"">" & str & "</span>"
		end if

	end function

	' Formats a string to highlight the game winner against the point spread.
	function FormatATSWinner(str)

			FormatATSWinner = "<strong>" & str & "</strong>"
			FormatATSWinner = str
		end if

	end function

	'* Common displays.                                                       *

	' Builds a drop down list of confidence points for the given the number of
	' games. If the specified point value is found in the list it will be
	' selected.
	sub DisplayConfidencePointsList(numGames, selectedPoints)

		dim str, i

		str = String(6, vbTab) & "<option value=""""></option>" & vbCrLf
		for i = 1 to numGames
			str = str & String(6, vbTab) & "<option value=""" & i & """"
			if IsValidInteger(selectedPoints) then
				if i = CInt(selectedPoints) then
					str = str & " selected=""selected"""
				end if
			end if
			str = str & ">"

			'Need to pad for browsers that don't support right-aligned text
			'in select options. Also, pad on right to give spacing between
			'text and select button.
			if i < 10 then
				str = str & "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
			end if
			str = str & i & "</option>" & vbCrLf

	end sub

	' Builds a drop down list of usernames from the given list. If the
	' specified name is found in the list it will be selected.
	sub DisplayUserSelectList(userList, selectedUser)

		dim str, i

		str = str & "<option value=""""></option>"
		if IsArray(userList) then
			for i = 0 to UBound(userList)
				str = str & "<option value=""" & userList(i) & """"
				if userList(i) = selectedUser then
					str = str & " selected=""selected"""
				end if
				str = str & ">" & userList(i) & "</option>"
		end if

	end sub

	' Displays a list of teams with open dates for the specified week.
	sub DisplayOpenDates(week)

		dim str, sql, rs, rs2, id, team

		'Build the list of team with open dates.
		str = ""
		sql = "SELECT * FROM Teams ORDER BY City, Name"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		do while not rs.EOF
			id = rs.Fields("TeamID").Value
			sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as Total" _
			   & " FROM Schedule" _
			   & " WHERE (HomeID = '" & id & "'" _
			   & " OR VisitorID = '" & id & "')" _
			   & " AND Week = " & week
			set rs2 = DbConn.Execute(sql)
			if rs2.Fields("Total").Value = 0 then

				'Get the team name and add it to the list.
				team = rs.Fields("City").Value
				if rs.Fields("DisplayName").Value <> "" then
					team = rs.Fields("DisplayName").Value
				end if
				if str <> "" then
					str = str & ", "
				end if
				str = str & team
			end if

		'Display the list.
		if Len(str) > 0 then
			Response.Write(String(2, vbTab) & "<p></p><div class=""adjustWidth""><strong>Open dates:</strong> " & str & ".</div>")
		end if

	end sub

	' Displays a list of indexed links (week or page). The URLs point to the
	' calling script passing the specified index parameter in the query string.
	' Additional parameters may also be specified.
	sub DisplayGoToNavigation(indexName, count, otherParams)

		dim str, i

		str = ""
		for i = 1 to count
			if i > 1 then
				str = str & "<span class=""goToSeparator"">&middot;</span>"
			end if
			str = str & "<a href=""" _
			   & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") _
			   & "?" & indexName & "=" & i
			if otherParams <> "" then
				str = str & "&" & otherParams
			end if
			str = str & """>" & i & "</a>"

		if Len(str) > 0 then
			Response.Write(vbTab & "<p class=""goToNavigation""><span class=""goToHeader"">Go to " & indexName & ":</span> " & str & "</p>")
		end if

	end sub

	' Displays the logo of the specified team.
	sub DisplayTeamLogo(id)

			Response.Write("<span class=""teamLogo " & id & """>&nbsp;</span>")
		end if

	end sub

	' Displays the win-loss-tie record of the specified team up to the
	' specified week. Optionally includes the team's record vs. the spread.
	sub DisplayTeamRecord(id, week, includeATS)

		dim str
		dim sql, rs
		dim result
		dim wins, losses, ties
		dim atsWins, atsLosses, atsTies

		str = ""

		'Get the team's record going into the week.
		wins   = 0 : atsWins   = 0
		losses = 0 : atsLosses = 0
		ties   = 0 : atsTies   = 0
		sql = "SELECT Result, ATSResult FROM Schedule" _
		   & " WHERE Week <= " & week _
		   & " AND (VisitorID = '" & id & "' OR HomeID = '" & id & "')" _
		   & " AND NOT ISNULL(Result)"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			do while not rs.EOF
				result = rs.Fields("Result").Value
				if result = id then
					wins = wins + 1
				elseif result = TIE_STR then
					ties = ties + 1
					losses = losses + 1
				end if
				if  includeATS then
					result = rs.Fields("ATSResult").Value
					if result = id then
						atsWins = atsWins + 1
					elseif result = TIE_STR then
						atsTies = atsTies + 1
						atsLosses = atsLosses + 1
					end if
				end if
		end if

		str = " (" & FormatRecord(wins, losses, ties)
		if includeATS then
			str = str & ", " & FormatRecord(atsWins, atsLosses, atsTies) & " ATS"
		end if
		str = str & ")"

		Response.Write("<span class=""small"">" & str & "</span>")

	end sub

	' Displays the specified error message.
	sub DisplayErrorMessage(msg)

		Response.Write(vbTab & "<div class=""adjustWidth errorMsg""><div>" & msg & "</div></div><br />" & vbCrLf)

	end sub

	' Displays the specified info message.
	sub DisplaySuccessMessage(msg)

		Response.Write(vbTab & "<div class=""adjustWidth successMsg""><div>" & msg & "</div></div><br />")

	end sub

	' Displays the specified warning message.
	sub DisplayWarningMessage(msg)

		Response.Write(vbTab & "<div class=""adjustWidth warningMsg""><div>" & msg & "</div></div><br />" & vbCrLf)

	end sub

	' Used to create the page head including the title, favicon and appropriate
	' external style sheets and scripts (based on the current pool options).
	' Additional style sheets and/or scripts can be included by specifying
	' them in a comma-separated list.
	sub BuildPageHeader(additionalStyles, additionalScripts)

		dim list, name
		dim teamID

		'Add common headers.
		Response.Write(vbTab & "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html;charset=utf-8"" />" & vbCrLf)
		Response.Write(vbTab & "<title>" & PAGE_TITLE & ": " & PageSubTitle & "</title>" & vbCrLf)
		Response.Write(vbTab & "<link rel=""shortcut icon"" href=""favicon.ico"" />" & vbCrLf)

		'Add the common style sheet.
		Response.Write(vbTab & "<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""styles/common.css"" />" & vbCrLf)

		'Add the scoreboard style sheet, if appropriate.
			Response.Write(vbTab & "<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""styles/scoreboard.css"" />" & vbCrLf)
		end if

		'Add any additional styles sheets specified by the caller.
		list = Split(additionalStyles, ",")
		if IsArray(list) then
			for each name in list
				Response.Write(vbTab & "<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""styles/" & Trim(name) & """ />" & vbCrLf)
		end if

		'If team themes are enabled, add the appropriate team style sheet.

			'First check if a team theme is specified in the session. If not, check
			'if one was saved in a cookie.
			teamID = Session(SESSION_THEME_KEY)
			if teamID = "" and Session(SESSION_USERNAME_KEY) = "" then
				if Request.Cookies(SESSION_THEME_KEY) <> "" then
					teamID = Request.Cookies(SESSION_THEME_KEY)
				end if
			end if

			'If a team theme is specified, save it in a cookie and load the
			'matching style sheet. Otherwise, delete the cookie.
			if teamID <> "" then
				Response.Cookies(SESSION_THEME_KEY) = teamID
				Response.Cookies(SESSION_THEME_KEY).Expires = GetCurrentDateTime() + 30
				Response.Write(vbTab & "<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""styles/teams/" & teamID & ".css"" />" & vbCrLf)
				Response.Cookies(SESSION_THEME_KEY).Expires = GetCurrentDateTime() - 1
			end if
		end if

		'Add the team logos style sheet, if appropriate.
			Response.Write(vbTab & "<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""styles/teamLogos.css"" />" & vbCrLf)
		end if

		'Add the common print style sheet.
		Response.Write(vbTab & "<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""styles/print.css"" media=""print"" />" & vbCrLf)

		'Add the common scripts.
		Response.Write(vbTab & "<script type=""text/javascript"" src=""scripts/scriptLib.js""></script>" & vbCrLf)
		Response.Write(vbTab & "<script type=""text/javascript"" src=""scripts/common.js""></script>" & vbCrLf)

		'Add the scoreboard script, if appropriate.
			Response.Write(vbTab & "<script type=""text/javascript"" src=""scripts/scoreboard.js""></script>" & vbCrLf)
		end if

		'Add any additional scripts specified by the caller.
		list = Split(additionalScripts, ",")
		if IsArray(list) then
			for each name in list
				Response.Write(vbTab & "<script type=""text/javascript"" src=""scripts/" & Trim(name) & """></script>" & vbCrLf)
		end if

	end sub %>
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Joined: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:19 am

Re: Anyone have the code to change the "lock" times of games

Post by kristoffae »

So, I think if you change the line

Code: Select all

[b][i]if Weekday(gameDateTime) = vbSunday and gameDateTime <= dateTime then[/i][/b]
that is in the default common.asp to

Code: Select all

[b][i]if Weekday(gameDateTime) = vbTuesday and gameDateTime <= dateTime then[/i][/b]
then all of the games will lock at their start time. I haven't tested it yet but I am pretty sure that is the code to change. I am going to try to test it. The section of the common.asp is below.

Code: Select all

' Returns true if all games for the specified week are locked.
function IsWeekLocked(week)
dim dateTime, rs, gameDateTime
IsWeekLocked = false
dateTime = GetCurrentDateTime()
set rs = GetGamesRecordset(week)
do while not rs.EOF
gameDateTime = CDate(rs.Fields("Date").Value & " " & rs.Fields("Time").Value)
if Weekday(gameDateTime) = vbTuesday and gameDateTime <= dateTime then
IsWeekLocked = true
exit function
end if
end function
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Re: Anyone have the code to change the "lock" times of games

Post by kristoffae »

Just tested and verified that if you change the line in "/includes/common.asp" from

Code: Select all

if Weekday(gameDateTime) = vbSunday and gameDateTime <= dateTime then

Code: Select all

if Weekday(gameDateTime) = vbTuesday and gameDateTime <= dateTime then
then all games for the week will lock at their scheduled start time to including Early Games, Sunday late games, and Monday night games.
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Re: Anyone have the code to change the "lock" times of games

Post by admin »

Thanks Kristoffae, that is exactly what I was looking for. I knew it wasn't a hard change, but I honestly forgot where it was done.

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Re: Anyone have the code to change the "lock" times of games

Post by itmanmike »

Last year i had changed the code for locking the games 3 hrs before the start of the first game. this locked all games. lost last years code to do it. i know i had to change the code in the common.asp file but not sure where and what. anyone have any ideas? thanks
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Re: Anyone have the code to change the "lock" times of games?

Post by philwojo »

Mike, just seeing your post, sorry, I have no idea.

Do you have the common.asp file from last year, can you compare it to this years and see if the line pointed out above gives you the change you are looking for from your old code?

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Re: Anyone have the code to change the "lock" times of games?

Post by itmanmike »

all working fine, i just used the code from above and this will do. thanks
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