SQL Pool version

Post here to discuss topics relate to the 4.x version for the ASP Football Pool software program. All support topics should go here.
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SQL Pool version

Post by philwojo »

I thought this had been posted before, but it either got deleted or I just don't know.

Any way, here is a copy of the MySQL version of this pool, it was uploaded by someone else on here, but I honestly have not tried it and don't know if it works or not, so use at your own risk, test it first would be my suggestion.

Oh, and I have no idea what year this is for either, only that it is the Version 4.0 of the software.

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Re: SQL Pool version

Post by drollette »

Okay I've been working on getting this going, and I'm almost there! The only thing I'm lacking is the code to populate the schedule table on the SQL database. There's a lot of it and it looks like this...hopefully someone has it...

INSERT INTO Schedule (Week, Date, Time, VisitorID, HomeID) VALUES(1,'9/13/2013', '8:30:00 PM','BAL','DEN')

any help is appreciated!!
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Re: SQL Pool version

Post by drollette »

Thanks philwojo9999 I got it working on GoDaddy with some tweeks. an updated SQL file for the table loader is below
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Re: SQL Pool version

Post by drollette »

OK so I'm runnung the SQL version of this (quite successfully!), But I'm hitting a snag on the Score auto-updater...it cycles through the check successfully, but scores do not update...any help with this would be greatly appreciated!! The code for my updateScores.ASP file is below. Thank you.


Code: Select all

<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>
<!-- #include file="includes/config.asp" --><!-- #include file="includes/common.asp" --><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<!-- #include file="includes/email.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/encryption.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/form.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/side.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/weekly.asp" -->
<%	'Limit access to the Administrator.
	call CheckAccess(true)

	'Open the database.
	call OpenDb() %>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<%	PageSubTitle = "Enter Game Scores"
		call BuildPageHeader("", "")
		call BuildPageHeader("loadDialogs.css", "") %>
	<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
	// Module: scoresLoader
	// Used to set game scores using data retrieved from the NFL.com web site.
	var scoresLoader = function () {

		// The update form.
		var formEl = null;

		// The week to update.
		var week = "";

		// Define an array to hold form field information for each game listed
		// on the form.
		var gameFields = [];

		// These are used to load the scores page from the NFL.com web site.
		var scoresIframe         =  null;
		var scoresUrlBase        = "http://www.nfl.com/scores/2013/REG"
		var loadCheckIntervalID  =  null;
		var loadCheckInterval    =  1000; // one second.
		var loadCheckMaxWaitTime = 30000; // 30 seconds.
		var loadStartTime        =     0;

		// Auto-update parameters.
		var autoUpdate               =  false;
		var autoUpdateLoadTimeoutID  =   null;
		var autoUpdateLoadTimeout    = 600000; // 10 minutes.
		var autoUpdateDialogTimeout  =    500; // one half second.

		// Holds the data parsed from the scores page.
		var gameData = null;

		// Used for dialog messages.
		var resultMsg       = "";
		var errorMsg        = "";
		var foundNewResults = false;

		// Initializes the scores loader.
		function init() {

			// Get the scores update form.
			formEl = document.getElementById("scoresForm");

			// Get the week.
			week = formEl.elements["week"].value;

			// Scan the form and build the games fields array.
			var i = 1;
			var el;
			while ((el = formEl.elements["id-" + i]) != null) {
				var vid      = formEl.elements["vid-" + i].value;
				var hid      = formEl.elements["hid-" + i].value;
				var vscoreEl = formEl.elements["vscore-" + i];
				var hscoreEl = formEl.elements["hscore-" + i];
				var otEl     = formEl.elements["ot-" + i];
					"visitorID"      : vid,
					"visitorScoreEl" : vscoreEl,
					"homeID"         : hid,
					"homeScoreEl"    : hscoreEl,
					"overtimeEl"     : otEl

			// If auto-update is checked, start it.
			autoUpdate = formEl.elements["autoUpdate"].checked;
			if (autoUpdate)
				autoUpdateLoadTimeoutID = setTimeout(getScores, autoUpdateLoadTimeout);

		// Initiates the retrieval of game results.
		function getScores() {

			// Clear any existing game data.
			gameData = [];

			// Clear any highlighting on the form fields.
			for (var i = 0; i < gameFields.length; i++) {
				domUtils.removeClass(gameFields[i].visitorScoreEl,        "fieldLoaded");
				domUtils.removeClass(gameFields[i].homeScoreEl,           "fieldLoaded");
				domUtils.removeClass(gameFields[i].overtimeEl.parentNode, "fieldLoaded");

			// Initialize the display.
			foundNewResults = false;

			// Create an iframe for loading the scores page and set an interval
			// timer to monitor it.
			if (scoresIframe != null)

			scoresIframe = document.createElement("IFRAME");
			scoresIframe.src = "javascript:false;document.write('');document.close();";
			scoresIframe.width = 0;
			scoresIframe.height = 0;
			scoresIframe.style.display ="none";
			scoresIframe = document.body.appendChild(scoresIframe);
			scoresIframe.src = "getHtmlScores.asp?url=" + escape(scoresUrlBase + week);
			loadStartTime = new Date();
			loadCheckIntervalID = setInterval(scoresLoadedCheck, loadCheckInterval);

			return false;

		// Called by an interval timer to determine if the scores page has been
		// loaded.
		function scoresLoadedCheck() {

			try {

				// Get the document within the iframe.
				var obj = scoresIframe.contentWindow || scoresIframe.contentDocument;
	 			if (obj.document != null) {
					scoresIframe.scoresDoc = obj.document;

					// Check for our marker element to be sure the whole page
					// has been loaded.
					if (scoresIframe.scoresDoc.getElementById("BrainJar") != null) {

						// Stop checking.
						if (loadCheckIntervalID != null) {
							loadCheckIntervalID = null;

						// Process the scores page, clean-up and exit.
			catch (ex) {}

			// Has the max wait time been exceeded?
			var currentTime = new Date();
			if (currentTime.valueOf() - loadStartTime.valueOf() > loadCheckMaxWaitTime) {

				// Yes, abort.
				errorMsg = "The operation timed out, try again later.";

				// If auto-update is on, set for the next attempt.
				if (autoUpdate) {
					setTimeout(hideLoadingDisplay, autoUpdateDialogTimeout);
					autoUpdateLoadTimeoutID = setTimeout(getScores, autoUpdateLoadTimeout);

		// Cleans up after an attempt to load game results.
		function getScoresCleanUp() {

			// Clear the interval timer.
			if (loadCheckIntervalID != null) {
				loadCheckIntervalID = null;

			// Remove the IFRAME.
			if (scoresIframe != null) {
				scoresIframe = null;

		// Parses the scores page and updates the form with any new game
		// results.
		function processScores() {

			// Get the document loaded in the iframe.
			var doc = scoresIframe.scoresDoc;

			// Scan the document for final game results. Below is the basic
			// pattern searched for. There should be one of these for each
			// game:
			// <div class="scorebox">
			//   ...
			//   <div class="game-info-section final-bg">
			//     <ul class="away-team">
			//       <li class="team-logo" id="AWAY_ID"...>
			//       ...
			//     < /ul>
			//     <ul class="home-team">
			//       <li class="team-logo" id="HOME_ID"...>
			//       ...
			//     < /ul>
			//   < /div>
			//   ...
			//   <div class="away-score">
			//     ...
			//     <div class="the-score">nn< /div>
			//   < /div>
			//   ...
			//   <div class="home-score">
			//     ...
			//     <div class="the-score">nn< /div>
			//   < /div>
			//   ...
			//   <div style="clear:both">< /div>
			//   <div class="game-info-section-two">
			//     <div class="game-info-section-left">
			//       <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			//         <tr ...>< /tr>
			//         <tr ...>
			//           ...
			//           <td class="glb">VISITOR_OT_SCORE< /td>
			//           ...
			var vid, hid, vscore, hscore, ot;
			var el1, el2;
			var tbls, s1, s2, n1, n2;

			var divEls = doc.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
			for (var i = 0; i < divEls.length; i++) {

				// Is this a "scorebox" DIV?
				if (domUtils.hasClass(divEls[i], "scorebox")) {
					vid    = "";
					hid    = "";
					vscore = "";
					hscore = "";
					ot     = false;

					el1 = getFirstSubTagWithClass(divEls[i], "DIV", "game-info-section");
					if (el1) {

						// Is the score final?
						if (domUtils.hasClass(el1, "final-bg")) {

							// Get team IDs and scores.
							el1 = getFirstSubTagWithClass(divEls[i], "UL", "away-team");
							el2 = getFirstSubTagWithClass(el1, "LI", "team-logo");
							if (el2)
								vid = el2.id;
							el1 = getFirstSubTagWithClass(divEls[i], "UL", "home-team");
							el2 = getFirstSubTagWithClass(el1, "LI", "team-logo");
							if (el2)
								hid = el2.id;
							el1 = getFirstSubTagWithClass(divEls[i], "DIV", "away-score");
							el2 = getFirstSubTagWithClass(el1, "DIV", "the-score");
							if (el2)
								vscore = el2.firstChild.nodeValue;
							el1 = getFirstSubTagWithClass(divEls[i], "DIV", "home-score");
							el2 = getFirstSubTagWithClass(el1, "DIV", "the-score");
							if (el2)
								hscore = el2.firstChild.nodeValue;

							// Check for overtime.
							el1 = getFirstSubTagWithClass(divEls[i], "DIV", "game-info-section-left");
							if (el1) {
								tbls = el1.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
								s1 = tbls[0].rows[1].cells[5].firstChild.nodeValue;
								s2 = tbls[0].rows[2].cells[5].firstChild.nodeValue;
								n1 = isNaN(s1) ? 0 : parseInt(s1);
								n2 = isNaN(s2) ? 0 : parseInt(s2);
								if (n1 > 0 || n2 > 0)
									ot = true;

							// Fix team IDs.
							if (vid == "JAC")
								vid = "JAX";
							if (hid == "JAC")
								hid = "JAX";

							// Save the results.
								"visitorID"    : vid,
								"visitorScore" : vscore,
								"homeID"       : hid, 
								"homeScore"    : hscore,
								"overtime"     : ot

			// Copy any new results to the appropriate form fields and reset
			// the display.
			if (foundNewResults) {

				// If auto-update is on, submit the form to update the scores.
				if (autoUpdate) {

					// Add a new submit button to the form and click it to
					// perform the update.
					var inputEl = document.createElement("INPUT");
					inputEl.name = "submit";
					inputEl.type = "submit";
					inputEl.value = "Update";
					inputEl = formEl.appendChild(inputEl);
			else {

				// Handle auto-update.
				if (autoUpdate) {
					setTimeout(hideLoadingDisplay, autoUpdateDialogTimeout);

					// Determine if any scores are still missing.
					var missingScores = false;
					for (i = 0; i < gameFields.length && !missingScores; i++)
						if (gameFields[i].visitorScoreEl.value == "" || gameFields[i].homeScoreEl.value == "")
							missingScores = true;

					// If there are missing scores, set for the next attempt.
					// Otherwise off turn auto-update.
					if (missingScores)
						autoUpdateLoadTimeoutID = setTimeout(getScores, autoUpdateLoadTimeout);

		// Given an element, finds the first occurrence of the given tag with
		// the given class name in it's descendants.
		function getFirstSubTagWithClass(el, tName, cName) {

			if (el != null) {
				var elList = el.getElementsByTagName(tName);
				for (var i = 0; i < elList.length; i++)
					if (domUtils.hasClass(elList[i], cName))
						return elList[i];

			return null;

		// Takes the parsed game results and updates the appropriate form
		// fields.
		function setGameFields() {

			// For each game result found, find a matching set of form fields
			// to load the data into.
			if (gameData.length > 0) {
				resultMsg = "All game results are up to date.";
				for (var i = 0; i < gameFields.length; i++)
					for (var j = 0; j < gameData.length; j++)

						// Check if the teams match.
						if (gameFields[i].visitorID == gameData[j].visitorID && gameFields[i].homeID == gameData[j].homeID)
							// Set the individual form fields.
							setFormField(gameFields[i].visitorScoreEl, gameData[j].visitorScore);
							setFormField(gameFields[i].homeScoreEl,    gameData[j].homeScore);
							setFormField(gameFields[i].overtimeEl,     gameData[j].overtime);
				resultMsg = "No results available, try again later.";

		// Updates a single form field with the given value (if that value is
		// different from the field's current value).
		function setFormField(fieldEl, newValue) {

			// Compare the old and new values.
			var oldValue = fieldEl.value;
			if (fieldEl.type == "checkbox")
				oldValue = fieldEl.checked;

			// If the values are the same, exit.
			if (oldValue == newValue)

			// Set the form field value and highlight it.
			if (fieldEl.type == "checkbox") {
				fieldEl.checked = newValue;
				domUtils.addClass(fieldEl.parentNode, "fieldLoaded");
			else {
				fieldEl.value = newValue;
				domUtils.addClass(fieldEl, "fieldLoaded");

			// Note that we have new results.
			foundNewResults = true;

		// Shows the loading display with the specified message box.
		function showLoadingDisplay(id) {

			// Hide all the message boxes.
			document.getElementById("loadingActive").style.display   = "none";
			document.getElementById("loadingComplete").style.display = "none";
			document.getElementById("loadingError").style.display    = "none";

			// Set the result and error messages.
			var el = document.getElementById("loadingResultMsg");
			while (el.firstChild != null)
			var el = document.getElementById("loadingErrorMsg");
			while (el.firstChild != null)

			// Show the specified message box.
			el = document.getElementById(id);
			if (el != null)
				el.style.display  = "";

			// Make it visible.
			document.getElementById("loadingDisplay").style.visibility = "visible";

		// Hides the loading display.
		function hideLoadingDisplay() {

			document.getElementById("loadingDisplay").style.visibility = "hidden";

		// Turns auto-update off.
		function stopAutoUpdate() {

			// Cancel any pending attempt.
			if (autoUpdateLoadTimeoutID != null) {
				autoUpdateLoadTimeoutID = null;

			// Set the flag to false and clear the checkbox.
			autoUpdate = false;
			formEl.elements["autoUpdate"].checked = false;

		// Initialization code.

		// Initialize on page load.

		// Public properties and methods.
		return {

			// Loads game scores for the given week.
			load : function () {

				// Turn off auto-update, if it is on.
				if (autoUpdate)

				return false;

			// Cancels a load.
			cancel : function () {


				// If auto-update is on, turn it off.
				if (autoUpdate)

				return false;

			// Closes the load display.
			close : function () {

				return false;

			// Toggles auto-update.
			toggleAutoUpdate : function () {

				// If auto-update is on, turn it off. Otherwise, turn it on and
				// make an attempt.
				if (autoUpdate)
				else {
					autoUpdate = true;

				// Allow the check box to change.
				return true;
<%	end if %>
<!-- #include file="includes/custom.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/header.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/menu.asp" -->
	<div id="contentSection">
	<table id="mainWrapper" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
<%	'Get the week to display.
	dim week
	week = GetRequestedWeek()

	'If there is form data, process it.
	dim n, i
	dim gameID, vscore, hscore, ot
	dim notify, infoMsg
	dim sql, rs
	n = GetGameCount(week)
	if Request.ServerVariables("Content_Length") > 0 and not IsCancelRequest() then
		for i = 1 to n

			'Get the form fields.
			gameID = Trim(Request.Form("id-"     & i))
			vscore = Trim(Request.Form("vscore-" & i))
			hscore = Trim(Request.Form("hscore-" & i))
			ot     = Trim(Request.Form("ot-"     & i))

			'Validate the form fields.
			if vscore <> "" or hscore <> "" or ot <> "" then
				if not IsValidInteger(vscore) then
					FormFieldErrors.Add "vscore-" & i, "'" & vscore & "' is not a valid game score."
					if CInt(vscore) < 0 then
						FormFieldErrors.Add "vscore-" & i, "'" & vscore & "' is not a valid game score."
					end if
				end if
				if not IsValidInteger(hscore) then
					FormFieldErrors.Add "hscore-" & i, "'" & hscore & "' is not a valid game score."
					if CInt(hscore) < 0 then
						FormFieldErrors.Add "hscore-" & i, "'" & hscore & "' is not a valid game score."
					end if
				end if
			end if

		'If there were any errors, display the error summary message.
		'Otherwise, do the updates.
		if FormFieldErrors.Count > 0 then
			call DisplayFormFieldErrorsMessage("Error: Invalid fields. Please correct and resubmit.")
			for i = 1 to n
				gameID = Trim(Request.Form("id-"    & i))
				vscore = Trim(Request.Form("vscore-" & i))
				hscore = Trim(Request.Form("hscore-" & i))
				ot     = Trim(Request.Form("ot-"     & i))
				if LCase(ot) <> "true" then
					ot = false
				end if

				'Update the scores.
				if vscore = "" then
					vscore ="NULL"
				end if
				if hscore = "" then
					hscore ="NULL"
				end if
				sql = "UPDATE Schedule SET" _
				   & " VisitorScore = " & vscore & "," _
				   & " HomeScore    = " & hscore & "," _
				   & " OT           = '" & ot _
				   & "' WHERE GameID = " & gameID

                call DbConn.Execute(sql)

				'Update the results.
				call SetGameResults(gameID)


			'Clear any cached pool results.
			call ClearWeeklyResultsCache(week)
				call ClearMarginResultsCache(week)
			end if
				call ClearSurvivorStatus(week)
			end if

			'Send out email notifications, if checked.
			infoMsg = "Update successful."
			notify = Trim(Request.Form("notify"))
			if LCase(notify) = "true" then
				infoMsg = "Update successful, notifications sent."
				call SendNotifications()
			end if

			'Updates done, show an informational message.
			call DisplaySuccessMessage(infoMsg)
		end if
	end if

	'Display the schedule for the specified week.
	dim cols
	cols = 9
		cols = cols + 1
	end if %>
	<form id="scoresForm" action="<% = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>" method="post">
		<div><input type="hidden" name="week" value="<% = week %>" /></div>
		<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="padding: 0px;">
		<table class="main" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<tr class="header bottomEdge">
			  <th align="left" colspan="<% = cols %>">Week <% = week %></th>
		dim autoUpdate, missingScores
		autoUpdate    = false
		missingScores = false
	end if

	dim gameDate, gameTime, vid, hid
	dim visitor, home, result, checkedStr
	dim spread, atsResult
	dim alt
	set rs = GetGamesRecordset(week)
	if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
		n = 1
		alt = false
		do while not rs.EOF
			gameID    = rs.Fields("GameID").Value
			gameDate  = FormatDate(rs.Fields("DateTime").Value)
			gameTime  = FormatTime(rs.Fields("DateTime").Value)
			vid       = rs.Fields("VisitorID").Value
			vscore    = rs.Fields("VisitorScore").Value
			spread    = rs.Fields("PointSpread").Value
			hid       = rs.Fields("HomeID").Value
			hscore    = rs.Fields("HomeScore").Value
			ot        = rs.Fields("OT").Value
			result    = rs.Fields("Result").Value
			atsResult = rs.Fields("ATSResult").Value
			visitor   = rs.Fields("VCity").Value
			home      = rs.Fields("HCity").Value

				if IsNull(vscore) or IsNull(hscore) then
					missingScores = true
				end if
			end if

			'Set the team names for display.
			if rs.Fields("VDisplayName").Value <> "" then
				visitor = rs.Fields("VDisplayName").Value
			end if
			if rs.Fields("HDisplayName").Value <> "" then
				home = rs.Fields("HDisplayName").Value
			end if

			'Highlight the results.
			if result = vid then
				visitor = FormatWinner(visitor)
			elseif result = hid then
				home = FormatWinner(home)
			end if
			if atsResult = vid then
				visitor = FormatATSWinner(visitor)
			elseif atsResult = hid then
				home = FormatATSWinner(home)
			end if

			'If there were errors on the form post processing, restore those fields.
			if FormFieldErrors.Count > 0 then
				vscore = GetFieldValue("vscore-" & n, vscore)
				hscore = GetFieldValue("hscore-" & n, hscore)
				ot     = FormFieldExists("ot-" & n)
			end if

			'Set the OT checkbox state.
			checkedStr = ""
			if ot then
				checkedStr = CHECKED_ATTRIBUTE
			end if

			if alt then %>
			<tr align="right" class="alt">
<%			else %>
			<tr align="right">
<%			end if
			alt = not alt %>
<%				if ENABLE_SCORES_ADDON then %>
				<td><input type="hidden" name="id-<% = n %>" value="<% = gameID %>" /><input type="hidden" name="vid-<% = n %>" value="<% = vid %>" /><input type="hidden" name="hid-<% = n %>" value="<% = hid %>" /><% = WeekdayName(Weekday(gameDate), true) %></td>
<%				else %>
				<td><input type="hidden" name="id-<% = n %>" value="<% = gameID %>" /><% = WeekdayName(Weekday(gameDate), true) %></td>
<%				end if %>
				<td><% = FormatDate(gameDate) %></td>
				<td><% = FormatTime(gameTime) %></td>
				<td align="left"><% call DisplayTeamLogo(vid) %><% = visitor %></td>
				<td><input type="text" name="vscore-<% = n %>" value="<% = vscore %>" size="2" class="<% = StyleFormField("numeric", "vscore-" & n) %>" /></td>
<%			if USE_POINT_SPREADS then %>
				<td><% = FormatPointSpread(spread) %></td>
<%			end if %>
				<td align="left"><% call DisplayTeamLogo(hid) %><% = home %></td>
				<td><input type="text" name="hscore-<% = n %>" value="<% = hscore %>" size="2" class="<% = StyleFormField("numeric", "hscore-" & n) %>" /></td>
				<td><label for="ot-<% = n %>"><span class="small">OT</span></label> <span class="fieldWrapper"><input type="checkbox" id="ot-<% = n %>" name="ot-<% = n %>" value="true"<% = checkedStr %> /></span></td>
<%			rs.MoveNext
			n = n + 1
			<tr class="subHeader topEdge">
				<th align="left" colspan="<% = cols %>"><input type="checkbox" id="notify" name="notify" value="true" /> <label for="notify">Send update notification to users.</label></th>
<%		end if %>
<%		'List open dates.
		call DisplayOpenDates(week)
	end if


		'If this was an auto-update post, turn the option on again but only if
		'there are still scores to get.
		autoUpdate = FormFieldExists("autoUpdate")
		if IsCancelRequest() or not missingScores then
			autoUpdate = false
		end if %>
		<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;">
			<tr valign="middle">
				<td style="padding: 0px;"><input type="submit" id="updateButton" name="submit" value="Update" class="button" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Cancel" class="button" /></td>
				<td align="right" style="padding: 0px;"><input type="checkbox" id="autoUpdate" name="autoUpdate" value="true"<% if autoUpdate then Response.Write(" checked=""checked""") end if %> onclick="return scoresLoader.toggleAutoUpdate();" /> <label for="autoUpdate">Auto-update</label>&nbsp;</td>
				<td align="right" style="padding: 0px;"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Load" class="button" onclick="return scoresLoader.load(<% = week %>);" /></td>
<%	else %>
		<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Update" class="button" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Cancel" class="button" /></p>
<%	end if %>
<%	'List links to view other weeks.
	call DisplayGoToNavigation("week", GetWeekCount(), "") %>
<!-- #include file="includes/footer.asp" -->
	<div id="loadingDisplay" style="visibility: hidden;">
 		<div id="loadingDialog">
			<div id="loadingActive">
				<form action="#" method="post" onsubmit="return false;">
					<p><img src="graphics/loading.gif" alt="" /></p>
					<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Cancel" class="button" onclick="return scoresLoader.cancel();" /></p>
			<div id="loadingComplete">
				<h2>Load Complete</h2>
				<form action="#" method="post" onsubmit="return false;">
					<div class="successMsg"><div><span id="loadingResultMsg"></span></div></div>
					<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Close" class="button" onclick="return scoresLoader.close();" /></p>
			<div id="loadingError">
				<h2>Load Failed</h2>
				<form action="#" method="post" onsubmit="return false;">
					<div class="errorMsg"><div><span id="loadingErrorMsg"></span></div></div>
					<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Close" class="button" onclick="return scoresLoader.close();" /></p>
<%	end if %>
<%	'**************************************************************************
	'* Local functions and subroutines.                                       *

	' Sends an email notification to any users who have elected to receive
	' them.
	sub SendNotifications()

		dim subj, body
		dim rs
		dim vscore, hscore
		dim list, email

		subj = "Football Pool Game Results Notification"
		body = "Games results for Week " & week & " have been updated." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

		'Show results.
		set rs = GetGamesRecordset(week)
		do while not rs.EOF
			vscore = ""
			hscore = ""
			if not IsNull(rs.Fields("Result").Value) then
				vscore = " " & rs.Fields("VisitorScore").Value
				hscore = " " & rs.Fields("HomeScore").Value
			end if
			body = body & rs.Fields("VisitorID").Value & vscore
				body = body & " (" & GetPlainTextPointSpread(rs.Fields("PointSpread").Value) & ")"
			end if
			body = body & " at " & rs.Fields("HomeID").Value & hscore
			if rs.Fields("OT").Value then
				body = body & " OT"
			end if
			body = body & vbCrLf

		list = GetNotificationList("NotifyOfResultUpdates")
		for each email in list
			call SendMail(email, subj, body)

	end sub %>
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Joined: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:05 pm

Re: SQL Pool version

Post by andygb4 »

Aw man, I wish I had seen this earlier... I had all the INSERT statements to populate the schedule!

I can't really help you much for the auto-updater though, sorry...
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Re: SQL Pool version

Post by andygb4 »

My SQL Server is set up properly with all the tables and data, but I can't seem to get the website to connect to it. What did you change in the config file, and did you change anything else?
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Re: SQL Pool version

Post by drollette »

Hey Andy here's the connection string to link my db...hope it helps...

Code: Select all

    'Database connection string (Can be Access or SQL Server).

    const DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING = "Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=YourPoolHostURL; Initial Catalog=YourPool; User ID=YourPool; Password='YourPassword'; "
    'Delimiter for datetime literals in SQL statements (Use "#" for Access, "'" for SQL Server).

I deleted the alternate connection strings provided in the config.asp
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Re: SQL Pool version

Post by andygb4 »

thanks so much, I'll give that a try!
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Re: SQL Pool version

Post by andygb4 »

Is that really all you changed from the zip files philwojo put up ?

Like what about the includes->common.asp ? There's a OpenDB function, not sure if I need to do anything to it.

Because with the change you gave me, I can see the login page, and the listbox IS populated with all the users names (so the connection works).
But once I log in, I get a 500 error.
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Re: SQL Pool version

Post by nananaja003 »

thanks so much, I'll give that a try!
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Re: SQL Pool version

Post by fbonani »

If anyone is running an SQL version of this application, would they be willing to share the files? It seems that it wold take quite a bit of code changes to make this work. It is also evident that the access db is not going to work well with a lot of players. Since converting this to a php/mysql application does not seem to be forthcoming, I am just looking for other options.
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Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:17 pm

Re: SQL Pool version

Post by daviddh »

FIXED: Turns out I had a rogue entry in the sidepicks table that was for a week higher then the current week.

Can someone help it is my first year running on SQL version and getting 500 error after picking survivor pick?

I am using Phil's files from this post.

It is adding the pick to the DB just erroring on the standings.

It is intermittent if I keep hitting refresh it shows?

IF someone has a working sidestandings please help?
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