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Re-post of Pay to Play code (insufficient funds warning)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:01 am
by Spooky
This code ensures that players must have the available funds in their account before they can save their picks.


Start with adding this function to common.asp

Code: Select all

function GetAvailableFunds(username)

	dim sql, rs
	dim credits, fees

	GetAvailableFunds = 0

	'Get credits.
	credits = 0
	sql = "SELECT SUM(Amount) AS Total FROM Credits WHERE Username = '" & SqlEscape(username) & "'"
	set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
	if not rs.EOF then
		credits = credits + rs.Fields("Total").Value
	end if

	if not IsNumeric(credits) then
		credits = 0
	end if


	'Get fees.
	fees = 0

	'Count each weekly entry.
	dim week, numWeeks
	numWeeks = GetWeekCount()
	for week = 1 to numWeeks
		if InWeeklyPool(username, week) then
			fees = fees + WEEKLY_ENTRY_FEE
		end if

	'Add the side pool entry (if used).
	if InSidePool(username) then
		fees = fees + SIDE_ENTRY_FEE
	end if

	GetAvailableFunds  = credits - fees

end function
Next, open up weeklyEntry.asp and add this at the top along with the other #includes:

Code: Select all

<!-- #include file="includes/side.asp" -->
Now scroll down until you find the hasEntry section and add this code:

Code: Select all

    'Get the user's available funds.
    dim availFunds
    availFunds = GetAvailableFunds(username)
    if hasEntry then
        availFunds = availFunds + WEEKLY_ENTRY_FEE
    end if
It should look something like this:
'Determine if the user has an entry for the given week (so we can display
'the Delete button).
dim hasEntry
hasEntry = false
if username <> "" and InWeeklyPool(username, week) then
hasEntry = true
end if

'Get the user's available funds.
dim availFunds
availFunds = GetAvailableFunds(username)
if hasEntry then
availFunds = availFunds + WEEKLY_ENTRY_FEE
end if
Now, scroll down again until you come to the "Process an update request" section and add this code:

Code: Select all

    'If the player does not have sufficient funds, do not allow the picks
    elseif not IsAdmin() and availFunds < WEEKLY_ENTRY_FEE then
        call DisplayErrorMessage("Error: Your account does not have sufficient funds to make <br />these picks, Changes Not Accepted.")
It should look something like this:
'Process an update request.
elseif Request.Form("submit") = "Update" then

'Prevent entries by the Admin.
if username = ADMIN_USERNAME then
call DisplayErrorMessage("Error: User '" & ADMIN_USERNAME & "' may not make picks.")

'If the user is disabled, prevent the entry.
elseif IsDisabled() then
call DisplayErrorMessage("Error: Your account has been disabled, changes not accepted.<br />Please contact the Administrator.")

'If all games have been locked, prevent any updates (except by the Admin).
elseif not IsAdmin() and allLocked then
call DisplayErrorMessage("Error: All games for this week have been locked, changes not<br />accepted.")

'If the player does not have sufficient funds, do not allow the picks
elseif not IsAdmin() and availFunds < WEEKLY_ENTRY_FEE then
call DisplayErrorMessage("Error: Your account does not have sufficient funds to make <br />these picks, Changes Not Accepted.")

That should do it, just save the files and update your website. You might also need to clear your browser's cache if you aren't seeing the changes yet.