Sort command for survivor

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Sort command for survivor

Post by Stutgrtguy »

Must be too many concussions, but for the life of me I cant figure the simple sort commands for survivor

I'd like to sort by people "alive" or "status"

I know it is right here, but im at a loss, its so simple....

Code: Select all

var survivorStatusSort = {
		tbodyID     : "survivorBody",
		theadID     : "survivorHead",
		sortColumns : [
			{ column : -1, descending : false },
			{ column : -2, descending : true  },
<%		if SURVIVOR_BUYBACK_LIMIT > 0 then %>
			{ column : -3, descending : false  },
<%		end if %>
			{ column :  0, descending : false }
		highlightColumns : {
			bodyColumns : [-1],
			headColumns : [-1]
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Re: Sort command for survivor

Post by GiantsFan »

Right before the </head> add this:

Code: Select all

<%	end if %>
// Execute the pick sort as soon as the page loads.	
<!-- #include file="includes/custom.asp" -->
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Re: Sort command for survivor

Post by 6burgh »

Thanks for this! I added this to the weekly summary and weekly results to put them in order also!
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Re: Sort command for survivor

Post by kingmullet »

Did you also add stutgrtguy's code with this as well? It's not working for me
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Re: Sort command for survivor

Post by 6burgh »

I only added what GiantsFan posted it worked for me. On the other pages I changed the (survivorStatusSort) to the column name I wanted to sort by.
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Re: Sort command for survivor

Post by Stutgrtguy »

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Re: Sort command for survivor

Post by Stutgrtguy »

I know this probably isn't the proper way to do this but. to give the new sort command some colors - sidestandings.asp page find -

old code -

Code: Select all

<td align="left">Alive</td>
<%				elseif users(i).survivorIsPending then %>
				<td align="left">Pending</td>
<%				else %>
				<td align="left">Eliminated</td>
new code -

Code: Select all

<td align="left"><FONT COLOR="green"><B>Alive</B></FONT></td>
<%				elseif users(i).survivorIsPending then %>
				<td align="left">Pending</td>
<%				else %>
				<td align="left"><FONT COLOR="red"><s>Eliminated</s></font></td>

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Re: Sort command for survivor

Post by Stutgrtguy »

kingmullet wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:24 am Did you also add stutgrtguy's code with this as well? It's not working for me
King I was showing original code from mike.

here is all of my new on survivor.asp

This will have all of the sort commands and the red/green colors ! We did well on this!!! Thank you all

Copy this, and make a new sideStandings.asp page

Code: Select all

<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>
<!-- #include file="includes/config.asp" --><!-- #include file="includes/common.asp" --><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<!-- #include file="includes/side.asp" -->
<%	'Require login to access the page.
	call CheckAccess(false)

	'If the survivor pool is disabled, redirect to the home page.
	end if

	'Open the database.
	call OpenDb() %>
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<%	PageSubTitle = "Survivor Statistics"
	call BuildPageHeader("tableSort.css", "tableSort.js") %>
	<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
	// Define the picks table sort commands.
	var picksNameSort = {
		initialSort : true,
		tbodyID     : "picksBody",
		theadID     : "picksHead",
		sortColumns : [
			{ column : 0, descending : false }
		highlightColumns : {
			bodyColumns : [],
			headColumns : []
	var picksTotalSort = {
		tbodyID     : "picksBody",
		theadID     : "picksHead",
		sortColumns : [
			{ column : -5, descending : true },
			{ column :  0, descending : false }
		highlightColumns : {
			bodyColumns : [-5],
			headColumns : [-5]
	var picksHitSort = {
		tbodyID     : "picksBody",
		theadID     : "picksHead",
		sortColumns : [
			{ column : -4, descending : true },
			{ column :  0, descending : false }
		highlightColumns : {
			bodyColumns : [-4],
			headColumns : [-4]
	var picksHitPercentSort = {
		tbodyID     : "picksBody",
		theadID     : "picksHead",
		sortColumns : [
			{ column : -3, descending : true },
			{ column : -4, descending : true },
			{ column :  0, descending : false }
		highlightColumns : {
			bodyColumns : [-3],
			headColumns : [-3]
	var picksMissedSort = {
		tbodyID     : "picksBody",
		theadID     : "picksHead",
		sortColumns : [
			{ column : -2, descending : true },
			{ column :  0, descending : false }
		highlightColumns : {
			bodyColumns : [-2],
			headColumns : [-2]
	var picksMissedPercentSort = {
		tbodyID     : "picksBody",
		theadID     : "picksHead",
		sortColumns : [
			{ column : -1, descending : true },
			{ column : -2, descending : true },
			{ column :  0, descending : false }
		highlightColumns : {
			bodyColumns : [-1],
			headColumns : [-1]
<!-- #include file="includes/custom.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/header.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="includes/menu.asp" -->
	<div id="contentSection">
	<table id="mainWrapper" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
<%	'Get number weeks in the season and the number of teams.
	dim numWeeks, numTeams
	numWeeks = GetWeekCount()
	numTeams = GetTeamCount()

	'Find the final week to show counts for.
	dim curWeek, lastWeek
	curWeek = GetCurrentWeek()
	lastWeek = GetSurvivorFinalWeek()
	if not IsNumeric(lastWeek) then
		call SetSurvivorStatus(curWeek)
		lastWeek = curWeek
	end if

	'Get data for all teams.
	dim teams
	dim i
	dim rs
	redim teams(numTeams - 1)
	i = 0
	set rs = GetTeamsRecordset()
	if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
		do while not rs.EOF
			set teams(i) = new TeamObj
			teams(i).name = rs.Fields("DisplayName").Value
			if IsNull(teams(i).name) then
				teams(i).name = rs.Fields("City").Value
			end if
			i = i + 1
	end if

	'Build the display.
	dim cols
	dim week, col, sortCmdStr
	dim alt, pickCount, result
	dim totalPicks, totalHits, totalMisses, pctHitStr, pctMissedStr
	cols = numWeeks - SIDE_START_WEEK + 7 %>
	<h2>Weekly Survivor Picks by Team</h2>
	<table class="main" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
		<thead id="picksHead">
			<tr align="right" class="header bottomEdge sortable">
				<th align="left"><a href="#" onclick="this.blur(); return tableSort.sort(picksNameSort);" title="Sort by team name.">Team</a></th>
<%	col = 1
	for week = SIDE_START_WEEK to numWeeks
		if week <= lastWeek then

			'Create a sort command for this column.
			sortCmdStr = "{	tbodyID : 'picksBody', theadID : 'picksHead', sortColumns : [ { column : " & col & ", descending : true }, { column : 0, descending : false } ], highlightColumns : { bodyColumns : [" & col & "], headColumns : [" & col & "] } }"
			col = col + 1 %>
				<th style="width: 2em;"><a href="#" onclick="this.blur(); if (window.pickWeek<% = week %>Sort == null) window.pickWeek<% = week %>Sort = <% = sortCmdStr %>; return tableSort.sort(pickWeek<% = week %>Sort);" title="Sort by number of picks."><% = week %></a></th>
<%		else %>
				<th style="width: 2em;"><% = week %></th>
<%		end if
	next %>
				<th style="width: 2em;"><a href="#" onclick="this.blur(); return tableSort.sort(picksTotalSort);" title="Sort by total number of picks.">Total</a></th>
				<th style="width: 2em;"><a href="#" onclick="this.blur(); return tableSort.sort(picksHitSort);" title="Sort by hit picks.">Hit</a?</th>
				<th align="center"><a href="#" onclick="this.blur(); return tableSort.sort(picksHitPercentSort);" title="Sort by percent of picks hit.">Pct</a></th>
				<th style="width: 2em;"><a href="#" onclick="this.blur(); return tableSort.sort(picksMissedSort);" title="Sort by missed picks.">Miss</a?</th>
				<th align="center"><a href="#" onclick="this.blur(); return tableSort.sort(picksMissedPercentSort);" title="Sort by percent of picks missed.">Pct</a></th>
			<tr class="header topEdge bottomEdge">
				<th align="left" colspan="<% = cols %>">Player Status Counts</th>
<%			alt = false
			if SURVIVOR_BUYBACK_LIMIT > 0 then %>
			<tr align="right"<% = SetRowClass() %>>
				<td align="left">Buybacks:</td>
<%				for week = SIDE_START_WEEK to numWeeks
					if week <= lastWeek then %>
				<td><% = GetBuybackCount(week) %></td>
<%					else %>
<%					end if
				next %>
				<td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
<%			end if %>
			<tr align="right"<% = SetRowClass() %>>
				<td align="left">Active:</td>
<%			for week = SIDE_START_WEEK to numWeeks
				if week <= lastWeek then %>
				<td><% = GetActiveCount(week) %></td>
<%				else %>
<%				end if
			next %>
				<td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
			<tr align="right"<% = SetRowClass() %>>
				<td align="left">Pending:</td>
<%			for week = SIDE_START_WEEK to numWeeks
				if week <= lastWeek then %>
				<td><% = GetPendingCount(week) %></td>
<%				else %>
<%				end if
			next %>
				<td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
			<tr align="right"<% = SetRowClass() %>>
				<td align="left">Eliminated:</td>
<%			for week = SIDE_START_WEEK to numWeeks
				if week <= lastWeek then %>
				<td><% = GetEliminatedCount(week) %></td>
<%				else %>
<%				end if
			next %>
				<td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
			<!-- tr align="right"<% = SetRowClass() %> -->
			<tr align="right" class="subHeader topEdge">
				<th align="left">Remaining:</th>
<%			for week = SIDE_START_WEEK to numWeeks
				if week <= lastWeek then %>
				<th><% = GetActiveCount(week) - GetEliminatedCount(week) %></th>
<%				else %>
<%				end if
			next %>
				<th colspan="5">&nbsp;</th>
		<tbody id="picksBody">
<%	alt = false
	for i = 0 to UBound(teams)
		if alt then %>
			<tr align="right" class="alt singleLine">
<%		else %>
			<tr align="right" class="singleLine">
<%		end if
		alt = not alt %>
				<td align="left"><a href="teamSchedules.asp?id=<% = teams(i).id %>"><% call DisplayTeamLogo(teams(i).id) %><% = teams(i).name %></a></td>
<%		'Show the pick count for each week.
		totalPicks  = 0
		totalHits   = 0
		totalMisses = 0
		for week = SIDE_START_WEEK to numWeeks
			pickCount = "&nbsp;"
			if week <= lastWeek then
				pickCount = teams(i).pickCounts(week - 1)
				result    = teams(i).results(week - 1)
				if IsNumeric(pickCount) and week <= curWeek then

					'Hide the pick count, if appropriate. Otherwise, format it
					'based on the result.
					if HIDE_OTHERS_PICKS and not IsAdmin() and not IsSidePickLocked(teams(i).id, week) then
						pickCount = "--"
						if result <> "" then
							totalPicks = totalPicks + pickCount
							if result = teams(i).id or (result = TIE_STR and not SURVIVOR_STRIKE_ON_TIE) then
								totalHits = totalHits + pickCount
								pickCount = FormatCorrectPick(pickCount)
								totalMisses = totalMisses + pickCount
								pickCount = FormatIncorrectPick(pickCount)
							end if
						end if
					end if
				end if
			end if %>
				<td><% = pickCount %></td>
<%		next
		if totalPicks > 0 then
			pctHitStr    = FormatPercentage(totalHits   / totalPicks)
			pctMissedStr = FormatPercentage(totalMisses / totalPicks)
			pctHitStr    = FormatPercentage(0)
			pctMissedStr = FormatPercentage(0)
		end if %>
				<td align="right"><% = totalPicks %></td>
				<td align="right"><% = totalHits %></td>
				<td align="right">(<% = pctHitStr %>)</td>
				<td align="right"><% = totalMisses %></td>
				<td align="right">(<% = pctMissedStr %>)</td>
<%	next %>
<!-- #include file="includes/footer.asp" -->
<%	'**************************************************************************
	'* Local functions and subroutines.                                       *

	' Used to alternate row styles.
	function SetRowClass()

		SetRowClass = ""
		if alt then
			SetRowClass = "class=""alt"""
		end if
		alt = not alt

	end function

	' Returns the number of players that were active in the given week.
	function GetActiveCount(week)

		dim rs, sql

		GetActiveCount = 0

		sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM SurvivorStatus" _
		   & " WHERE Week = " & week _
		   & " AND WasAlive"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetActiveCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns the number of players that used a buyback in the given week.
	function GetBuybackCount(week)

		dim rs, sql

		GetBuybackCount = 0

		sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM SidePicks" _
		   & " WHERE Week = " & week _
		   & " AND SurvivorBuyback"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetBuybackCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns the number of players eliminated in the given week.
	function GetEliminatedCount(week)

		dim rs, sql

		GetEliminatedCount = 0

		sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM SurvivorStatus" _
		   & " WHERE Week = " & week _
		   & " AND WasAlive AND NOT IsAlive AND NOT IsPending"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetEliminatedCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	' Returns the number of players that are pending in the given week.
	function GetPendingCount(week)

		dim rs, sql

		GetPendingCount = 0

		sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM SurvivorStatus" _
		   & " WHERE Week = " & week _
		   & " AND IsPending"
		set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
		if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
			GetPendingCount = rs.Fields("Total").Value
		end if

	end function

	'* Local class definitions.                                               *

	' TeamObj: Holds information for a single team.
	class TeamObj

		public id
		public name
		public pickCounts, results

		private sub Class_Initialize()

			name  = ""
			redim pickCounts(numWeeks)
			redim results(numWeeks)

		end sub

		private sub Class_Terminate()
		end sub

		public sub setData(teamID)

			dim sql, rs

			'Save the team ID.
			id = teamID

			'Get the result of this team's game for each week and find how
			'many times it was picked.
			dim i
			for i = 0 to numWeeks - 1
				pickCounts(i) = ""
				results(i)    = ""
				if i >= SIDE_START_WEEK - 1 then
					sql = "SELECT Result FROM Schedule" _
					   & " WHERE Week = " & (i + 1) _
					   & " AND (Schedule.VisitorID = '" & teamID & "' OR Schedule.HomeID = '" & teamID & "')"
					set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
					if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
						results(i) = rs.Fields("Result").Value
						sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM SidePicks, SurvivorStatus" _
						   & " WHERE SidePicks.Week = " & (i + 1) _
						   & " AND SurvivorStatus.Week = " & (i + 1) _
						   & " AND SidePicks.Pick = '" & teamID & "'" _
						   & " AND SidePicks.Username = SurvivorStatus.Username" _
						   & " AND SurvivorStatus.WasAlive"
						set rs = DbConn.Execute(sql)
						if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then
							pickCounts(i) = rs.Fields("Total").Value
						end if
					end if
				end if

		end sub

	end class %>
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